YRHA thanks the following sponsors for their generous support.
Sponsorship Levels
Diamond - $2500
•Open Class named after your business at one show with one ancillary class of your choice at our second show. •Supplied banner displayed at the shows •Announced at the shows, put on sponsor banner •Logo On website and linked to website •Logo displayed on FB page •Invite for 4 free dinners at Award Show
Platinum - $1000
•Ancillary class named after your business at one show •Supplied banner displayed at the shows •Announced at the shows, put on sponsor banner •Logo On website and linked to website •Logo displayed on FB page •Invite for 2 free dinners at Award Show
Gold - $500
•Supplied banner displayed at the shows •Announced at the shows, put on sponsor banner •Logo on website and linked to website •Logo displayed on FB page
Silver - $250
•Supplied banner displayed at the shows •Announced at the shows, put on sponsor banner •Logo on website
Club - Under $250
•Announced at the shows, put on sponsor banner